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Buiso Sariyauma 2 || #official Kaubru music video || Govin & Mataswari

Buiso Sariyauma 2 || #official Kaubru music video || Govin & Mataswari

Buiso Sariyauma 2 is a mesmerizing Kaubru music video that has been released by Tuisa Kchang Production. This beautiful piece of music is performed by Govin and Mataswari, two talented Kaubru artists who have managed to create a stunning piece of music that captures the essence of the Kaubru culture.

The music video for Buiso Sariyauma 2 is an excellent representation of Kaubru culture and traditions. The video opens with a beautiful shot of a traditional Kaubru village, where the houses are built in a circular pattern and surrounded by lush green forests. The camera then zooms in on Govin, who is dressed in traditional Kaubru attire, singing the opening lines of the song. His powerful voice is accompanied by the sound of traditional Kaubru instruments, which add an enchanting and mystical feel to the music.

As the music progresses, the camera moves around the village, showing the viewers glimpses of everyday Kaubru life. We see women carrying water in traditional earthen pots, men working in the fields, and children playing traditional games. The music video manages to capture the essence of Kaubru culture in a beautiful and captivating way, highlighting the simplicity and beauty of this ancient culture.

Mataswari's voice joins Govin's as the song reaches its climax, and the two artists harmonize perfectly, creating a mesmerizing and captivating sound. The music video ends with a shot of Govin and Mataswari standing in front of a large bonfire, surrounded by their fellow Kaubru villagers. The scene is a beautiful representation of the importance of community in Kaubru culture, and how music and dance play a crucial role in bringing people together.

Overall, Buiso Sariyauma 2 is an excellent example of how music can be used to preserve and celebrate traditional cultures. The music video captures the beauty and simplicity of Kaubru culture in a stunning and captivating way, making it accessible to people around the world. Govin and Mataswari's powerful voices, coupled with the traditional Kaubru instruments, make for an unforgettable musical experience that will stay with you long after the video ends.

It spreads
Govin molsoi
Mataswari Reang
Guide & Chorography
Govin molsoi
Sumen Reang
Camera & Edit
D manzi
Music & Record
Pintu Murasing. AS Borok
MD Bru
Lalita Reang
TD Dollar chongpreng
Special thanks

Kamal Reang